Summer (GIRLS):
Brick red & air force blue checked shirt, Brick red salwar and dupatta, red ribbon, Air force blue socks with cream stripes, black shoes.
Summer (BOYS)
Air force blue colour shorts/pants, Brick red and air force blue checked shirt, Air force blue socks with cream stripes, black shoes. (Brick red patka/turban for Sikh students).
White uniform on Wednesday and house wise uniform on Friday.
Winter (BOYS):
Air force blue woollen pants, Brick red and air force blue checked shirt, (Brick red patka/turban for Sikh students), Brick red blazer, Brick red pullover(V – neck) with air force blue border, black shoes, Air force blue socks with cream stripes.
Winter (GIRLS)
(VI-XII): Brick red and air force blue checked shirt, Brick red salwar and dupatta, red ribbons, Brick red pullover (V – neck) with air force blue border, black shoes, Air force blue socks with cream strips.
Tie and belt of approved school pattern should be worn.
House wise uniform on Fridays
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